
Can you keep your being intact
In the noisy , jam-packed neighbourhoods ?
And can you maintain it as it is 
When walking through thick silent woods ?

Do you prefer to keep an empty cup ,
Being aware of its utility ?
Or do you fill it all up to the brim ,
Spilling it tells you the futility ?

How do you answer a question
Which itself implies limit of words ?
When a truth is whispering deep inside 
Is there an option but to leave the herds ?

That when you sit together with someone
And the silence feels comfortable .
Isn't there only a meaning and trust
And the bond indeed unfathomable ?

That him in whom a vision is there
Even the limitless sky is near .
That him for whom emptiness is clear 
For him indeed , everything is clear .


  1. Read 3rd time, and every time this poem is recreating it self and whispering beauty of phrases . Great one bhai : Utkarsh

    1. Thanks a lot Utkarsh !! All credit to your attention and reflection . 🙌


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