Human Being and Being Humane

In billions of years in the history of planet Earth , the evolution took place . Starting from basic molecular elements , when it saturated , came plant species . When plant species saturated , came animal species . When animal species saturated , came humans .
Substance ➡️ Plants ➡️ Animals ➡️ Humans
          Here we can clearly say that this evolution seems teleological has put for put forward by Aristotle in his evolutionary theory , in fact the first evolutionary theory .
          Now the question arises - have we reached there ? Since the teleological process is directed towards a purpose or an end .
          And the answer as per the present scenario in this planet does not end with a full stop but with again a question mark .
          This question mark implies that something is missing and the thing that seems missing is perhaps being humane .

Human and Humane 
The evolution has reached certainly to the point that well developed bodies with brain and nervous system are in nature in sufficient numbers .
          Till this point nature has evolved without the help of thought process or will of humans . And now it seems that nature has took retirement from the journey and now it stands as a witness to see what the highest creature of this evolution - the humans , ought to do .
          Being human has come to us by nature in broadly three aspects - physically , chemically and biologically . These three dimensions cover the aspects like our voluntary and involuntary processes , our life processes and the processes which are essential to make a body survive .
          Being Human on the other hand covers the philosophical , psychological and social aspects of life . These depend solely on our intelligence , willpower and imagination . 
          Whereas 'human being' part is almost same over the human race , 'being humane' part has a differential of larger value varing from man to man .

Why to be humane ?
Again going to the teleological feature of evolution on this earth , it would be illogical and disheartening to conclude that this all happened from molecular substances to humans , for just nothing .
          No doubt , it is possible that human race can burn down this planet but it will not serve the purpose certainly . Why this billions of  years evolution happened ? Just to see the highest creature dissolve all the previous including self into ashes ?
          Seeing  the incompleteness in this part of argument we are directed to see the way ahead . And an interesting thing that we see the way ahead is that there is an element in earth which does not get satisfied with this nihilistic approach . And thus , we , every human being has a longing for meaning and purpose .
          What is this whole existence ? Who am I ? What we ought to do ? These are not only the questions of a philosopher dwelling in metaphysics & ontology . Instead , these are the questions of every three year year old child , irrespective of nationality , race , gender , etc .
          Interestingly these three questions corelate to the elements of Being Humane like - what is this whole existence? - covers philosophical element . Who am I ? - covers psychological element . What is one ought to do? - covers social aspect . All parts of being humane .
          And when this potential remains hidden, unfulfilled or supressed , every , almost every dying person comes across the meaninglessness in his/her last moments .
          Thus we may conclude that by the virtue of intelligence , imagination and willpower , we are endowed with the potential of being humane . And if there is a potentiality , it is a sign of an actualilty going to unfold in future .

          The teleological evolutions shows that beyond us there is only one reality , that is God , as put forward by many philosphers .
          This god will manifest on earth not as a species but as a value , a value of humanity . And since we are endowed with that potential , the time may come soon when the following lines of poem Gold Leaves by G.K. Chesterton will describe Earth :- 

But now a great thing in the street
Seems any human nod,
Where shift in strange democracy
The million masks of God.




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