When one is at the centre alone , 
When the dears are all windblown ,
It's time to take a stand , 
One needs to be on one's own .

Now is the ultimate freedom , not a fear ,
Zero distractions and front sight clear , 
Few true mates beside , excluding all peer , 
It's known that unknown is going to appear .

Let the zones of comfort be all out-thrown ,
When it's time to confront the unknown ,
One needs to take the call , 
One needs to be on one's own .

Nothing about ego , it's all leadership ,
Being the captain of one's life , one's own ship ,
In the deep down water , one just can't be drown ,
To swim back to top , one needs to be on one's own .

We all will die as we've all taken birth , 
And only the brave shall inherit the earth ,
One will grow wings , if one strives to be flown ,
But to jump off the cliff , one needs to be on one's own .

1 Dec 2017 , 
Shahdol (M.P.)


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