Being and Becoming

Amarkantak , a hill station in eastern MP  ,
April 2019 . 
Nature at its highest grace . There i came across an informal discussion with some friend . The discussion was basically on beliefs etc where at a point i said , "I am not Ashutosh , Ashutosh is just my name" .  
                                 The discussion was over soon but this statement of mine stayed in my mind as it is . So over the next hours i went through a self probing as follows :-

Que - Are you human ?
Ans - I am not exactly human , human is just my species .
Que - then are you a man ?
Ans - I am not man , man/male is just my gender .
Que - then you must be hindu ; isn't it ?
Ans - I am not hindu , hindu is just my religion/ a way of life which i inherited from family / historically a person across indus river . Etc.

Que - then you must be a brahmin ?
Ans - I am not brahmin . It is a socially categorised class given to me . 

Que - You are engineer ; yes you are ; AICTE  certified , isn't it ?
Ans - No , it's just my stream of graduation .

And then that one again:-
Que - Now you are Ashutosh ; there is no denying to it . 
Ans - No , i am not Ashutosh , it's just my name .

Now the question comes , who am I ???

Let's not go to that question directly . Because the one word answer , although profound , will not be mine , it will be someone else's . Because to genuinely answer it , a higher realization is necessary . Then only our words penetrate . To say something on it , you need to stand on a rock . A rock of some concrete realization . And most of us stand on sand at present . A wave comes and our ground is lost .

Now , we all have experienced in our early childhood when a visiting relative asked us ," Kya banoge bade hoke ?". And we proudly answered , "Doctor banunga" or "Pilot banunga" or "Collector banunga" etc. 
                                   Although the intentions in this conversation are no doubt very good , but , the underlying mindsets are of becoming something , rather than that of being something. 
                                   We know how frequently this becoming changes its form . For a moment , we are a student , then a friend , then our name when we are called , then something else and then something else .    
                                   And if we stick our identity to a single label or status , the ego trip starts and mainitaining that status makes us do a whole lot of acts . And once a while , when an extreme situation comes all our status and labels fly away leaving us in the identity crisis or if worse , the existential crisis .

So , if labels and status are temporary , does it mean we are like a football ??? Wandering from one label to another . From one status to another . From one role to another . From one belief to another .
                                   The answer to this is partially Yes and partially No  . Let's see.
                                   Partially Yes because  the Becoming , ie; labels , status , roles , beliefs etc , change or cease to exist time to time . But I remain in existence constantly ; my Being remains intact ; like the football remains intact , when passed from one to another . However , this type of Being , if there is at all , is almost dormant and asleep .
                                   Partially No because here the Becoming ( labels , status etc. ) is empowering the Being ; ie ; I . And due to this , I'll keep running from label to label , status to status . Because whenever a becoming ends , i'll run to find another one . Otherwise , some unknown fear comes . And thus I , our being , is heavily dependent on some sort of becoming . But being must be free of becoming.
                                   So , we can conclude that our being is constant as well as independent . And what is it that is constant and independent in this example ??? Not the football . Then what ??
                                   The Ground . 
                                   As soon we encounter the ground as the being , the foundation of all becoming , the wild running football vanishes , all the labels , status , roles and beliefs settle down to the right places where they are fruitful , not exploitative . Now we are unshakable , irrespective of whatever role or label we get . And then we are able to go for the questions of the ultimate ground ; the ground of this ground . 

Now , coming back to the question - who am I ?
                                  So , truly , I (as everyone else) may be that reality in me who was watching all those incidents - when i was given a name , when i was given a religion , when i was given a degree , when i won a game , lost a game , in all crusts and troughs , or when i contributed as a friend or as a son or as a citizen .
                                 Then , independent of my name , religion , social status , profession and all , there is being . I am not my name nor my religious identity nor my profession nor something else to stick to . 
Now , I am .


  1. Well-done Ashutosh, your words are so profound and magnetic that they takes away to some different world of thoughts. Always proud of you 😊

    1. Thank you so much ma'am . For such appreciation and inspiration from your side always 🙏

  2. Nice...Purpose that you want to send through your words and emotion is great...Live in present as you are the same forever.

    1. Thank you so much for such contemplative and thoughtful response .

  3. Body is a medium to express that I, but the question still remains ... To express I in front of whom ? What is the currency in this expression trade ? Isn't it knowledge ? Haha so questions remains wandering ... But no one to discuss from long time ..
    By reading this my memory got refreshed ..

    1. Very well said Utkarsh !! Your penetrating views and inquiries present a whole new dimension within dimension to explore . Thanks brother !

  4. Human tendency to ask questions, your thoughts are deep 👌

    1. Thanks a lot Hritik !! Truly said . The questions are more important than the ready made answers many a times . Thats why we are born curious .


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