The Dragon

The term "Dragon" for China is coined by media . Let's see what Confucius , the great chinese philosopher , often quoted in china , says of dragon .
                 6th century , BC . Confucius once met a person , and never dared to meet him again . When he came back he told his deciples never to visit that person , saying ," I have seen big wild animals , great intellectuals , great warriors all through my life . But today , I met a dragon . "
                 Later on , this dragon left China and was never seen or heard of again . Nobody knows how he died . But before leaving the state which became fully corrupt and in disorder , on the request of the border guard , the dragon left his flame , the eternal wisdom , the 'Tao Te Ching' . And then after the Dragon , Lao Tzu , went into the woods for rest of his life .
                Seeing today's China , it seems that not only China has forgotten the dragon , it has put off his flame also . And by putting off the flame , what only remains is uncontrolled smoke .
               And the smoke spreads - 1962 Indo-Sino war initiation , Emergence of Maoism , Injustice with Tibet , Encroachment in South China Sea , Soft corner for Pakistan's terrorism , Doklam , discrimination with Hongkong , Emergence of COVID . And this new conflict in Ladakh Border .The list goes on and on .
               So China is not the dragon . China is the Smoke . Smoke coming out of putting water over the flame of its ancient wisdom .
               Quoting Lao Tzu ," the government must rule with least interference , people themselves find natural harmony " . And here is Chinese Govt . Almost everything is in their control . From media to masses . Anyways , they didn't even understand communism well so Lao Tzu and Taoism will surely go over their head .
               China's policy will go in vain . This smoke is going to evaporate . As Lao Tzu says ,
" A whirlwind does not last all morning.
  A sudden shower does not last all day."


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