The Virtue of a Vote

The day comes time to time when we execute a great power , use a great weapon . The more it is sharpened , the more it’ll be effective . That power , that weapon or whatever it seems to one , is the vote .
         An interesting thing about vote is that its quantity is fixed ,ie; one vote by one person , but its quality remains variable . A vote is given among some choices , then comes a vote percentage and the result– these are the visible characteristics of a vote . But the decision making , the thought process , in one word the “ why “ of the voter behind giving a vote are the invisible characteristics of a vote . This may vary from person to person . And the whole world has witnessed that the invisible ultimately controls the visible . So the quality is more important than quantity , in terms of a vote .
         Election is basically based on integration of votes . Integration , mathematically is the adding up of smaller elements to form a large one . And the crunch is that the large element is similar to the smallest element . Similarly , the quality of the government depends on the quality of the votes .  Votes based on greed , religion , caste , consumable things offered before elections etc. will give neither a good leader nor a good government . Whereas votes based on progress and benefit of whole society and nation can give great results . Progress is a team’s objective whereas exploitation is an individual’s objective . We are team of millions of voters . Self centered votes will give a self centered government . It will get manifested .
       “ A miracle is a shift in perception “ , says Marrianne Williamson in her book ‘A return to love ‘ . The way we see vote decides further results . Let  elections not just be an event of statistics which is a visible parameter only and let it be an event of philosophy more as philosophy , an invisible parameter , once unleashed , changes the game .


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